Friday, November 28, 2008


I'm back on the road after spending the last 3 nights staying at a good friend's house.Andy and I have done 4 big trips to different regions to the world and have also met up many times in London or Dublin,so considering I was starting another big trip it would only be rude not to call in and see how life's treating him. Fair play to Andy,He jumped straight in tour guide mode and drove me around to all the local landmarks,while his mum, Shelly fed us huge portions of all the best grub. Its great to get such a welcome from Andy,Shelly and Simon(Andy's dad)and hard to leave such a comfortable warm house and be back in the tent again but the freedom of the open road and the adventure of not really knowing where I'll be staying the next night has its rewards.Just as I was wheeling out my bike this morning and ready to set off again, I looked at the overall distance on the bike computer and told Andy, that from my house to his house is exactly 297kms."well,if you make it all the way around the world on this bike then you are presently about 1% into your journey". I must admit when he put it like that, this trip kinda scares the living daylights out of me. My legs feel way more than 1% tired. But anyway, today was a pleasant enough run, no major hills and following the coast for most of the day. I'm presently camped up in a field full of the autumn leaves next to a pub in Llanharan in central Wales about halfway between Swansea and Cardiff. For the first time on this trip, I put on my raingear today. It wasn't even that heavy a shower, just a bit misty. My aunt from Mullingar, Brigid Ann, told me to "Make sure you pack up God in your travels, he wont take up too much space". Well, if your reading this Brigid Ann, I've had a no rain and the wind has been behind every day since this trip has begun so I'm guessing Im getting Devine assistance.

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